Stylish Outfit Choices for Impressive Headshots

I understand that the prospect of having your headshots taken might seem daunting and personal, but it's time to step up, dress sharp, show up, and own it! Drawing from my extensive experience, I've honed in on what truly works and what doesn't. While you're free to wear what you're comfortable with, by adhering to my straightforward style guide, I guarantee your headshots and marketing images will surpass your expectations. Plus, you'll have someone to thank for introducing you to a few new wardrobe pieces – talk about a win-win situation! 😉

Crafting a fantastic range of looks doesn't require a complete overhaul. Chances are, you already own the essentials, which makes this process hassle-free. However, just in case you need a quick refresher, I've compiled this guide to outline the basics you'll need. There are a handful of guidelines to follow, and I'll keep it incredibly simple for you. My ultimate goal is to ensure you're looking your absolute best. While a remarkable headshot isn't solely about the attire, clothing can undoubtedly enhance the overall image and boost your confidence – a key ingredient in capturing that killer shot!

No need to hold back – bring all your options, everything that resonates with your style. However, remember to adhere to a few fundamental principles, and you'll be astonished by how seamlessly these pieces can complement each other. My mission is to collaborate with you in curating several dynamic looks. With the right selection of garments on hand, we can mix, match, layer, and redefine far more than you might imagine.

Without further ado, let's dive into the Sara Kardooni Portraits Men's Style Guide. Your roadmap to a winning headshot experience begins here.

The Versatile Power of a Well-Fitted T-Shirt:

Think of a T-shirt as the foundation upon which you can construct a multitude of captivating looks. Its simplicity is its strength, offering endless possibilities for solo shots, layered ensembles, or complemented by accessories. A quality, well-fitted T-shirt is not to be underestimated – it's a cornerstone of style.

As you curate your outfits for our session, I strongly recommend having 2-5 impeccably fitting V-neck T-shirts. Why V-neck, you ask? It's a blend of masculinity and fashion, adaptable to various creative directions. The versatility of a V-neck knows no bounds – it effortlessly shines as a standalone piece, combines seamlessly with a chic jacket, or transforms into a smart-casual attire with a refined coat. The possibilities are limitless.

Sleeves? Short or long – it matters not. The pivotal aspect is the fit, combined with a v-neck or button neck. While you have the creative freedom to express yourself, remember that the spotlight is on you, not the logo. Minimize branding, and if possible, avoid it altogether. This is about promoting your essence, not showcasing Polo or Nike.

While earthy tones are advisable, ensure you also include a classic white and black T-shirt. When uncertain, throw it in your bag – better to have options. It's worth noting that buttons on the shirt, like those shown in the image, are absolutely acceptable. Stick to the tried-and-true: solid colours, minimal or no logos, no extravagant patterns, and either a v-neck or button-up style.

When selecting colours, ponder your eye colour and skin tone. Opt for shades that harmonize well with either, enhancing your natural features.

Pack for the Session:

  • 2-4 classic V-neck (or button-up) T-shirts in plain colours, including white, black.

  • Additionally, one or two other complementary colours that matches your brand.

The Elegance of a Well-Fitted Shirt:

Irrespective of your professional sphere, a selection of well-fitted shirts is an indispensable component of a versatile wardrobe, particularly when it comes to headshots. The impact of a meticulously chosen collection of shirts cannot be overstated. They seamlessly transition from standalone statements to versatile ensembles, capable of being elevated or relaxed, and easily paired with a t-shirt or a refined jacket. I wholeheartedly advocate for this wardrobe option. And if you're currently without a good assortment of shirts, I strongly urge you to consider expanding your wardrobe.

For your headshot and personal branding session, I recommend acquiring several shirts that fit you splendidly. Start with the classics: a crisp white, a deep black or gray. To infuse character, include a selection of coloured or textured options. The key lies in securing a shirt with a collar that fits impeccably, shoulders that offer a streamlined contour, and a waist that strikes the right balance between snug and relaxed. Choose a shirt that harmonizes with your body type and proportions. Keep in mind that a well-fitting shirt presents a canvas adaptable to various styles, whether dressed up or down.

Remember, the closer the fit, the more versatile the shirt. When deciding on colours, contemplate your skin tone, eye colour, and personal preferences and also your brand colours. Several shirts also afford us the chance to experiment with diverse collar types. Don't hesitate to bring variations like Chinese collars, button-downs, smart collars, and casual collars. And don't overlook textured options – Linen, for instance, lends itself exceptionally well to photography and is an asset I heartily endorse.

Never underestimate the potent impact of a collection of exceptional shirts. Imagine a first date, a wedding, or a sophisticated cocktail party – let these occasions inspire your selection.

Pack for the Session:

  • 2-4 well-fitted, long-sleeve smart shirts, including classic white and black.

  • A diverse array of textured and coloured options to explore different looks.

Elevate Your Ensemble with Distinctive Jackets:

Now, let's delve into the heart of your wardrobe – jackets. Hear me loud and clear: nothing, and I mean nothing, adds that final touch to an outfit like a thoughtfully tailored and styled jacket. Among the various types available, we're focusing on blazers and casual alternatives. Picture business casual, envision a first date, and imagine any occasion that falls short of formal interviews. What I'm aiming for is jackets that seamlessly accompany both jeans and slacks – that's the aesthetic we're aiming to capture. If you own a suit jacket, it can work splendidly, provided it boasts an impeccable fit, embracing your physique. Avoid overly snug or loose fits; the jacket should comfortably button up and open, offering us a plethora of options.

The images above serve as inspiration, yet remember, this is a guide. I'm not pushing for purchases unless your jacket selection is lacking. It's an investment that will consistently pay dividends, enriching your wardrobe for years to come – everyone deserves a quality jacket.

As you pack, make sure to include both a dark and a light option, in addition to a selection of casual or textured choices. If uncertain, don't hesitate to bring it along! Even if we don't utilize a specific jacket, it's still a win – you're decluttering your closet. However, if it fits the shoot, I guarantee the result will be spectacular.

Feel free to pack as many jackets as practical for you. I'll collaborate with you to design a look that perfectly aligns with your vision.

Pack for the Session:

  • A Dark Jacket

  • A Light Jacket

  • Several casual or textured options and something colourful

Refine Your Look with Exceptional Bottoms:

Now, let's dive into the bottom half of your ensemble – a crucial foundation for a polished appearance. The right choice of pants can significantly enhance your overall look, adding depth and style to your headshots.

Cotton Well-fitted Pants: These are an essential component of your wardrobe. Their comfort and versatility make them a go-to option for various styles. Well-fitted cotton pants can effortlessly transition from casual to slightly more formal looks, ensuring you're camera-ready in any scenario.

Jeans: A timeless staple that effortlessly balances relaxed comfort with undeniable style. Jeans are your go-to choice for a laid-back yet polished appearance, perfect for capturing that effortlessly cool vibe.

Suit Pants: When you're aiming for a touch of sophistication and a heightened level of elegance, suit pants are your best bet. The tailored silhouette of suit pants instantly elevates your entire look, projecting a refined and professional image.

As you prepare for your session, ensure you have these bottom options in your repertoire. Each piece offers unique possibilities, allowing us to craft diverse looks that harmonize with your personal brand.

Pack for the Session:

  • A pair of Cotton Well-fitted Pants

  • Your favorite pair of Jeans, exuding relaxed confidence.

  • Elevate your ensemble with a pair of sophisticated Suit Pants.

Elevate Your Image with Thoughtful Accessories

The world of accessories is your playground, and when it comes to your headshots, the more, the merrier. Bring along as many accessories as you can comfortably manage – practicality is key. While we may not use every piece or they might not all be prominently featured, the crucial element here is how these accessories make you feel. If an accessory boosts your confidence or adds to your overall appearance, it's worth having on hand.

The realm of accessories is vast and diverse, and while I can't list them all, I've compiled a collection of recommended options. However, don't hesitate to bring items you adore that might not be on this list.

I have a few key suggestions that I'd like to emphasize:

  • A standout waistcoat can add a touch of sophistication.

  • Elevate your ensemble with a selection of stylish ties.

  • Pocket squares and tie pins infuse elegance and personality.

  • Consider suspender options for a dash of retro charm.

  • Hats can be a stylish addition, and a watch or two can enhance your look.

NOTE ON GLASSES: If you wear glasses as part of your daily attire and intend to wear them during the shoot, I recommend either removing the lenses or ensuring they have a non-reflective coating. This precaution will prevent any lighting or glare issues during the session.

While accessories may not be the sole determinant of your headshot's impact, they undoubtedly contribute to the overall ambiance and tone. I aim for clean and timeless looks, but there's room to tastefully incorporate a selection of well-chosen items that enrich your visual story. Think simplicity and sophistication, envision the charm of Mad Men, or Suits if you like and aspire for a dapper and stylish aura.

Pack for the Session:

  • Waistcoat for a touch of refinement.

  • Watches to accentuate your style.

  • A collection of ties for various looks.

  • Pocket squares and tie pins for added elegance.

  • Belts to complete your ensemble.

  • Socks to add a playful or classic touch.

Preparation and Grooming: Your Personal Touch

Preparing for your headshot session is a personal journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Keep in mind, this photoshoot is about capturing your unique essence, so feel confident in being yourself – you're already fantastic just as you are.

Grooming isn't an extraordinary feat; it's a daily ritual that contributes to your overall confidence and appearance. I won't delve into grooming techniques, as the internet is brimming with helpful resources. However, I'm here to outline a few essential pointers that will ensure you're camera-ready and looking your absolute best.

Facial Hair:
You have choices here. Arrive clean-shaven if that resonates with you, or come in with a day or two's worth of stubble – it's a strategic advantage for a variety of looks. Post-session, you can shave, and presto, a fresh style! I emphasize using a shaving product that both moisturizes and pampers your skin.

Ear, Nose, Eyebrows: Keep these meticulously groomed – well-trimmed and neat. Nose hair should be meticulously managed, while ear hair, if present, should be professionally attended to. Maintain neatly groomed eyebrows, and don't hesitate to bring your trimmer along for a touch-up at the studio if needed.

Moisturizers: Seek a non-oily moisturizer, ideally recommended by skincare specialists. The texture of your skin is crucial, and a suitable moisturizer will contribute to a glowing complexion. Don't forget a quality lip balm, and I highly endorse a vitamin-enriched eye roll-on – trust me, it's a game-changer.

Hair: Your hair deserves attention too. Visit a reputable barber shop for a clean-up before the session. Pack a reliable hair product you've been using for a few weeks – familiarity is key.

Nails: Attention to detail extends to every aspect of your appearance, including your nails. While often overlooked, well-groomed nails can make a subtle yet significant difference in the overall impression your headshots convey. Book a manicure or trim your nails to a neat, uniform length. Avoid overly long nails or jagged edges. For those who prefer longer nails, ensure they are tidy and well-maintained.

Pack for the Session:

  • Shaving Kit

  • Moisturizer that suits your skin type

  • Trusted Hair Product

  • Vitamin-Enriched Eye Roll-On

  • Nose, Ear, Eyebrow Trimmers

  • Lip Balm

Remember, the aim is to present the best version of yourself while feeling comfortable and confident. These grooming essentials will enhance your overall look, ensuring your headshots capture not just your appearance, but also your self-assured charm. Let's collaborate to craft headshots that showcase your authenticity and style.

I would like to emphasize that your upcoming headshot session is a unique opportunity to capture your individuality, style, and confidence. This journey is about more than just photographs – it's about presenting your best self to the world.

From wardrobe choices to grooming essentials, every detail has been carefully considered to ensure you step in front of the camera with poise and authenticity. Remember, these guidelines are meant to serve as a foundation, a canvas upon which we'll collaboratively create your ideal headshots.

Your comfort and confidence are paramount. Each element you bring – the well-fitted attire, the thoughtful accessories, the meticulous grooming – contributes to an image that speaks volumes about who you are. It's about capturing your essence in a way that resonates with your personal brand, whether that's a touch of business casual, a dash of sophistication, or a hint of relaxed charm.

I'm here to guide you, to listen to your vision, and to work together in sculpting headshots that showcase your uniqueness. This is a partnership, and together, we'll create captivating images that stand the test of time.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I look forward to capturing your confidence, your charisma, and your character through the lens, resulting in headshots that speak volumes even in silence. Let's make magic together.

Image credit for clothing section: Accessories: and Grooming:

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